The HR Basics

The foundation to build solid HR best practices

Create the HR infrastructure to support your organizational needs

Employees are the backbone of your organization, and with their passion and dedication, anything is possible.  You spend valuable time and money searching for the right person for your team. When you find them, you want them to have the best experience because after all, first impressions do matter.  So take care of them from the beginning. But do you (or anyone else on your team) have time and expertise to do it right?  

We often start client relationships with a review of your current HR compliance and HR practices.  We then recommend a roadmap, customized to your organization, with a path to achieve HR best practices.  

The next step is for us to get to work.  We take pride in guiding your team to take ownership of your HR improvement journey so they and your organization thrive. 

Chose A La Carte or subscription HR Services

HR Admin Support

Daily HR administrative tasks 

We take care of every day HR paperwork and employee questions including:

  • General employee questions
  • Payroll, benefits and employee data changes
  • Unemployment Claims
  • Workers Compensation administration
  • Family Medical Leave of Absence (FMLA)
  • Short-term and Long-Term Disability administration
  • New Hire processing and Orientation
  • Exit Interviews and Offboarding
  • HR Templates and Forms

HR Compliance

Legal, reputation or financial risk of improper practices

It can difficult for employers to stay on top of the ever-changing federal and state employment laws. 

The financial, reputational and legal risk can be costly. 

We review your current processes and policies to identify any gaps.

We are not the HR police, just here to protect your investment.

Policies & Handbooks

Written communication to set employee expectations

Communicating company rules and culture are critical to first impressions with a new hire.  It lays the foundation of expectations up front and throughout the employees work experience with your organization.  

They communicate fairness and equal treatment in what you expect from your employees and what they can expect from you as their employer.  

Ever had to discipline, defend a workers compensation or legal claim from an employee who said the didn’t know the rules? 

HR Assessment and
M&A Due Diligence

Be confident you are compliant and understand a path for best practices

We to identify compliance and HR practice strengths and strategies for areas of improvement for new clients. We’ll work with you to develop a plan that addresses compliance violations, aligns with your company’s values and objectives, and provide recommendations for becoming a top place to work. 

For our M&A clients, thedue diligence review is a more comprehensive assessment to evaluate the target company’s HR legal and HR operational aspects to identify potential risks, liabilities, and opportunities associated with the transaction.


Counseling and Corrective Action Plans

Conduct a fair and objective investigation to ensure transparency 

When an employer learns of potential workplace misconduct, such as harassment, discrimination or fraud, an investigation must follow a fair procedure with an objective investigator before termination of employment. 

Having an objective, experienced third party interview, review grievances and hear disciplinary matters involving specific allegations is crucial.

Affirmative Action Plans

Stay compliant and foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace

Certain federal contractors and subcontractors are required by law to establish an AAP.  

A plan is crucial for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. It outlines specific actions and strategies to actively recruit, retain, and advance underrepresented groups, such as minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities. 

Additionally, having a robust affirmative action plan can enhance your company’s reputation, attract top talent, and strengthen relationships with clients and partners who value diversity and social responsibility.


Support exiting employees sends the right message to employees

A professional resource to help employees transition to their next career shows compassion. 

Terminations and lay-offs can be tough for everyone involved, offering outplacement services can lessen the stress and help exiting workers find new jobs. 

Plus, it can improve your company’s reputation and reduce the cost of unemployment claims. 

Support your employees during this  transitional phase.

Employee Relations

Improve employee / manager relationships and performance

Our HR Advisors interact directly with your employees, managers and leadership team, onsite or remotely, to understand opportunities for improved communication and expectations.   

The goal is to build an engaged and motivated workforce that supports positive employee morale, job satisfaction and productivity.  

Nurturing higher employee engagement and retention reduces turnover and fosters a sense of loyalty to build your employer brand to attract future talent.


Job Descriptions

The foundation for performance, recruitment and development

They clearly outline the duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations, helping both candidates and current employees understand what is required for success. 

Job descriptions also aid in aligning organizational goals with individual roles, facilitating workforce planning and resource allocation. 

Additionally, they provide a basis for evaluating employee performance, setting goals, and identifying areas for skill development. 

By having well-defined job descriptions, companies can attract the right talent, foster clarity and accountability, and ultimately drive organizational success. 

New Hire Orientation

First impressions matter so dazzle your new hire!

Our team is here to help develop an amazing onboarding and orientation program for your new hire! We’ll make sure your new employee is motivated and excited to be part of your organization. 

Our program will boost retention, productivity, overall job satisfaction, and ensure a better understanding of the company culture and expectations. Not only that, but your team will benefit from improved dynamics and morale, promoting long-term employee engagement and satisfaction! 

Managed Payroll

HR expertise and payroll support

By outsourcing payroll management to experts, companies can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on payroll administration. 

We allow employers to focus on their core operations while leaving payroll management to professionals.

Our dedicated Payroll Advisors will help process payroll and bonus payouts using your technology based HCM payroll system.

Performance Reviews

Set your team up for success with candid and timely feedback practices.

Partnering with your leadership team to develop an ongoing process to define success at the strategic and tactical level keeps all eyes on the ball. 

We help you design a feedback structure that encourages ongoing and consistent feedback and improves communication between managers and employees focused on business results and performance.


EEO-1 Reporting

Required for certain employers 

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires employers with 100 or more employees and cerrtain federal contractors to complete the annual EEO-1 report.
It’s crucial because it helps identify potential disparities in employment practices, promotes equal opportunity, and supports fair treatment for all employees, fostering a more inclusive workplace culture.
We’ll be there to help you make sure your plan is accurate and filed properly.

HCM Implementation

Maximize HR technology with full HR expertise implementation

Our dedicated HCM Advisors will help you evaluate the best technology platform available for your organization, set up demonstrations with the top 3 vendors and implement the system and all the available tools you select.  

Along the way, we offer assistance with upgrading HR templates, forms and policies essential to the new system such as: PTO policies and allowances, New Hire Onboarding, Employee Handbook, time tracking, annual policy renewals.  

Our goal is to set you up to fully utilize your HCM technology platform so you get your money’s worth.  

How does outsourced HR work?

We provide on-site and remote services, a la carte or retainer, as an ongoing dedicated member of your team, with experienced SHRM certified HR professionals.

Our role with your organization can be as little or as much as you need.  Half of our clients prefer a dedicated HR Manager with onsite “office hours” who are also available remotely as needed. This subscription relationship creates a culture where leadership and the Advisor have direct contact with your employees as needed.  

Other clients utilize our services hourly and are charged in 15 minute increments.  This work may be temporary project specific or as an on-call arrangement with HR Manager professionals.

So let’s work together to build a company culture that fosters engagement, productivity, innovation, and success.