Talent Attraction

Find top-quality talent who align with your culture

Exit interview image

Attract candidates so you have a bench of qualified talent to select from now and in the future

In today’s competitive landscape, finding and retaining top-tier talent is more challenging than ever. Recruiting is about finding the right individuals who align with your company’s culture, values, and long-term goals.

We have a holistic approach to helping you attract the right talent.  We provide feedback on your employer reputation, compensation and benefits competitiveness, and cultural alignment with candidates. 

Our services are provided full-service from job posting to job offers on a percentage or hourly pricing model.


Identify and target your ideal next hire

We believe that a strong sourcing strategy is key to success in today’s market, and we’re experienced in proactively seeking out targeted candidate profiles that match your hiring criteria. 

Say goodbye to the “post and pray” method – our approach ensures that you’re connecting with the right candidates in the most efficient way possible. Let’s work together to find your next top performer!


Ask thoughtful and appropriate questions

We love to get to know candidates beyond just a resume. By crafting tailored questions that align with the job, culture, and teamwork, we’re able to really get to know our candidates and spot any possible red flags early on. 

Our recruiters are meticulous about digging into the candidate’s work history to understand their motivations for past job choices. We know how expensive it can be to make a bad hire, so let us help you find the perfect candidate for long-term success in a fun and friendly way!

Understand key success factors and ask the right questions

Interview guides play a critical role in facilitating fair, thorough, and effective interviews that support informed hiring decisions and contribute to the overall success of the recruitment process.

They provide consistency, alignment with job requirements, comprehensive assessment, efficiency, interview preparedness, legal compliance and an elevated candidate experience.

Market Based Compensation

Stay current with competitive compensation data

Competitive compensation is a key component of a successful talent management strategy, helping organizations attract, retain and motivate top talent to achieve objectives. 

We subscribe and use ERI data (Economic Research Institute), a robust database of compensation data by company size, industry, region and role responsibilities. 

Behavioral Assessments

Use the state of the art tools to identify keys to success

Pre-employment assessments are a fantastic way for hiring managers to get a more complete understanding of a candidate’s abilities before the interview stage. 

Best of all, with the valuable insight and coaching tips gleaned from assessments, managers can continue helping team members grow and develop throughout their time with the company. 

Employer Reputation

Shaping your employer image

We recognize the critical role your employer reputation plays in attracting and retaining talent. 

An employer’s brand encompasses the entirety of the employment experience, portraying the organization’s reputation as a place to work and its unique employee value proposition.  

We review your online presence and collect feedback from candidates and employees to help you look your best.