Employee Relations and Retention

Create an engaging workplace where employees feel valued
and are motivated to drive business results

We know that employee retention is vital to the success of your organization. One of the key ways to gauge employee satisfaction is by offering a resource for them to voice concerns in a safe, objective and confidential manner.  Often, clients who do not have a dedicated HR resource lose good talent because of simple misunderstanding or feeling  their concerns were not heard.  We are available, onsite or remotely, as a resource to managers and employees.  We will listen to your employees, give them direct feedback on your company policies and / or address their concerns with their manager to facilitate a resolution. 

Another way to gather employee satisfaction is through regular employee surveys. Providing your workforce with frequent opportunities to offer anonymous feedback allows you to identify potential retention issues, assess what’s working well, and gather innovative ideas from your employees themselves.

A last resort is to collect data from exiting employees.  It can be very insightful to listen to the reasons behind valuable employees leaving and then taking appropriate action to prevent future turnover.

Employee Surveys for Employee Retention

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