The end of any year can seem very chaotic for most employers. In addition to the standard managerial and financial reporting, projections and staffing updates, there are myriad planning details that need to be added to the agenda for there start of the new year. At Mainsail HR, we are constantly asked by our clients for reminders and suggestions to help get the new year off on the right foot. Below are some of our top suggestions for any employer looking to really make an impact with their employees at the start of the New Year!

Schedule Employee Goal Setting Meetings as a follow up to Performance Reviews

If you utilized Q4 to engage in performance discussions with your employees, chances are you delved into setting goals for the upcoming year, 2024. Whether these goals are centered around performance or personal development, initiating the scheduling of these meetings now is a commendable move. This proactive approach not only provides employees with time to contemplate their approach to these goals but also underscores your genuine commitment to supporting their growth and development.

Solicit Employee volunteers for internal culture committees

Empowering employees can be achieved by encouraging them to take the lead in creating and driving initiatives through internal committees. Our clients have received positive feedback by motivating their employees to organize social, charitable, and training committees collaboratively with their peers. Allowing employees to actively contribute to the planning and budgeting of these committees not only fosters higher trust and engagement but can also serve as a key factor in improving retention rates in 2024.

Start selecting employee feedback tools to be used throughout the year

Whether your organization is gearing up for an extensive employee feedback survey or planning to implement a quarterly feedback system, don’t delay until January to initiate the process! Discussions regarding these tools should be happening in management meetings now, allowing you to communicate the plan to your employees in the new year. The Mainsail HR Organizational Design team is actively developing tools for our clients, ensuring they are ready for rollout in Q1 of 2024. This proactive approach serves as an excellent way to bridge the communication gap that many clients report their employees experience. If you’re considering options for your organization, we’d be delighted to engage in a conversation about the available tools!

We trust that these reminders prove valuable as you embark on planning your 2024 Human Resource initiatives in the upcoming year.

The outsourced consulting team at HR elements is ready to assist in implementing any of these January to do list items! Reach out to your HR Advisor or setup a time to chat now!